Assignments and Projects


Assignment 2 - Working with Light


In this assignment you will do three 'shadow studies' visualizing 3 different lighting scenarios.


Step 1: Referring to your Color in Context assignment, choose the kind of light you want to use in your artwork. You can choose between one of these lighting situations:

  • Natural light (sunlight - warm yellow/orange/red color)

  • Incandescent light ( warm old-fashioned artificial light bulb or warm LED - it usually looks yellow/orange)

  • Fluorescent light ( for example, this is the light that you have in your garage - it usually looks green)

Step 2: Design your artwork or shoot your photograph in three different Light Contexts:

  1. "NORMAL or SOFT" lighting. (LastnameF_M02_Shadow1.jpg)

  2. "DRAMATIC" lighting. (LastnameF_M02_Shadow2.jpg)

  3. "DIFFERENT or MIXED" lighting. (LastnameF_M02_Shadow3.jpg)

Submission Requirements

Submit your file following these file requirements

  • File type: .PNG or JPG file.

  • Size: Minimum larger size: 1500px.

  • File Name: LastnameF_M02_Shadow1.jpg, LastnameF_M02_Shadow2.jpg, LastnameF_M02_Shadow3.jpg


  • Please, upload the three files as a .ZIP.

  • Name the .Zip file in this way: LastnameF_366_M02_A2


Assignment 9 - Working with ROYGBIV


In this assignment you will create a document and you will make a color relationship study using ROYGBIV (red orange yellow green blue indigo violet) colors .


Step 1: In Adobe Photoshop or in another software you feel comfortable with, complete the following:

  • Create file using width 800px separated into 7 spaces (one space for each letter) using guide lines approx. 100px apart (there will be a little extra, just crop it out.)

  • Write ROYGBIV at the top to indicate: red orange yellow green blue indigo violet

  • Select at least 3 but no more than 10 images for each color and put them into your document

  • Try to show as little white or other colors around the main area as possible. There WILL be some other colors, that's OK.

Step 2:

  • When finished, SAVE the PSD for yourself

  • Export the file as .JPG and upload it on Canvas using the Submit button

Submission Requirements

These are the submission requirements:

  • File Size: no smaller than 800px on largest side

  • File Name: LastnameF_M09_A1.jpg

  • Submit the file using the Submit button.

Assignment 11 - Color Narrative


In this assignment you will work in team and you will do the following: PART 1: you will create a color script for the three Acts (Act 1 - Act 2 - Act 3) of your favorite movie. PART 2: you will create three original artworks (illustration or photography work), one for each Act, using the three different color palettes.

As a Team:

  • Each team will decide a movie.

  • Each team can choose to create the color narrative Act 1, Act 2, Act 3 script together, as a team, or individually

  • Each team member will create, individually, Act 1 - Act 2 - Act 3 artworks with different color palettes

  • Each team member should discuss his/her project with the other team members

  • Each team member should provide feedback to the other team members and offer technical support if needed

  • Each team member should make a final peer' review about one of the other team members' work


Case scenario: A movie production is looking for a team of designers/photographers to create the color narrative Act 1 - Act 2 - Act 3 for a movie that will be produced in 2022. As a team, you want to get the job and get a position in the industry. The goal for each team is creating various Act 1 - Act 2 - Act 3 color narrative designs (using illustration or photography works), and demonstrate the ability to use colors to describe Act 1 - Act 2 - Act 3.

Step 1: As a team, choose a movie you would like to use for this assignment

Step 2: Identify in the movie the First Act, the Second Act, the Third Act in your favorite film. Make yourself questions about the narrative of the movie (you don't have to write it). For example:

  • Who is/are the main characters, and why do we care about them?

  • Where and when does the story take place?

  • How do we learn what type of movie it is?

  • What is the inciting incident?

  • What or who is the antagonist?

Step 3: Create the color script (collage of images) for the three acts of the movie (like you did in module 10). You will have three columns ( one for each Act ) and four images for each column, with a total of 12 images.

  • You can use the images that you find online

  • You can create the collage in Photoshop or another application

  • You can create the same color script for the entire team or you can work independently

Step 4: Like you did in module 10 assignment, once that your collage file ready In Photoshop,  apply the artistic filter CUT OUT and simplify all the images until you keep all the main shapes and you clearly see the colors palette.

Step 5: Create the main color palette for each one of the three Acts

Step 6: Each team member should create an original artwork for each one of the three Acts using the color palette created in the collage. Each team member will have three different artworks with three different color palettes

Step 7: When finished, SAVE the PSD for yourself

Step 8: Export your file as .JPG or .PNG. Minimum file size for the larger side 1500px


  1. If you don't feel comfortable using a digital art software you can use another technique. Photography /drawing / paining, are welcome!

  2. If you wish to improve your colorizing techniques in Adobe Photoshop, please, read and watch all the optional class material that is posted in the learning resources.

Submission Requirements

File submission requirements:

Each image file type: .JPG or .PNG.

  1. Each image file size: 1500px minimum for the larger side

  2. Compress the three files in a .ZIP file.

  3. File Name: LastnameF_366_M11_A1

  4. Please, name the name of the other team members in the text field