Assignments and Projects


Assignment 5 - Working with Lines

In this assignment you will use the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator to draw an original work that is based on a cat or dog image as reference.


1. Step 1: Download a cat or dog or bird or fish image as reference and then open it in AI.

  • You can use the images provided in this .zip folder, or a different one.

  • In Adobe Illustrator, the reference image will be your background layer, and you will draw on top of it, on a separate layer.

2. Step 2: Create your cat or dog or bird illustration using the pen tool to make bezier curves.

  • Please, MAKE SURE YOU CHANGE THE STROKE SIZE in the different areas of your drawing because in this way you can create a sense of depth.

  • Please, do not use gradients, pattern fills.

3. Step 3: Illustration submission requirements:

  1. File type: . PNG file

  2. Size: Larger side - no smaller than 1500px.

  3. File Name: LastnameF_314_M05_A1.png

4. Step 4: Submit your illustration using the Submit button


Assignment 8 - Working with Family Fonts

In this assignment you will create an original Logo design using the appropriate family fonts.


1. Step 1: Create a Logo for these words:



  • WILD

2. Step 2: In Adobe Illustrator, explore various FAMILY FONTS in the character panel, and then choose the one that you think that is most appropriate to the meaning of the word.

3. Step 3: Illustration submission requirements:

  1. File type: .PNG file

  2. Size: Larger side - no smaller than 1500px.

  3. File Name: LastnameF_314_M05_A1.png

Step 4: Submit your illustration using the Submit button                                  

Assignment 8 - Book or Comic Magazine Cover

In this assignment you will create an original book or comic magazine cover in ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR and you will include typography and design elements.



  • Sketch your Comic Magazine cover idea on paper - it really helps your brainstorm

  • Create a new document in Adobe Illustrator (feel free to choose the dimensions that you want for your Comic Magazine Cover )

  • Don't forget to include typography elements in your work

  • Feel free to get inspired from a comic artist that you like or from a magazine cover that exists already

  • Apply at least two Gestalts Laws

  • In you design, follow the inspiration of a Master Graphic Designer's work

  • Enjoy the process, be creative and have fun!


  • You can create your drawing with the tools that you want (brush tool, pencil tool, geometric shapes tool, pen tool) BUT make sure you also use include the PEN TOOL


  • Explore different kind of LINE TYPES AND THE LINE SIZES.

  • Create lights and shadows using lines if needed

  • Apply colors to your artwork, use Adobe Kuler to get your color palette

  • Your design design must be finished and you should be very happy with your work


When you complete your work, take some time to review it.

1. Make sure you applied at least two of the following Gestalt Law Principles:

  • Law of Figure-Ground

  • Law of proximity

  • Law of Similarity

  • Law of Continuity

  • Law of Closure"

  • Law of Common Regions

2. Edit your digital drawing, and complete typography changes if needed.


When you are all done, submit the file using the Submit button. In the text field of the submission (on Canvas, not in your illustration), write the Gestalt Principles that you used.

File submission requirements:

  • File type: .PNG file.

    1. Size: Larger side - no smaller than 1500px.

    2. File Name: LastnameF (initial of your first name)_314_M08_A01.png