Course Syllabus
Intro to Digital Imaging mART 376
CRN: 86093
Digital Art & Animation
Cañada College Fall 2023 Semester
Instructor: Emanuela Quaglia
Class Dates and Times: Mon - Wed: 9:45 AM – 11:00 AM
Classroom Number: 22-132
Office Hours: Monday, 2:30pm or by appointment
Email: quagliae@smccd.edu
Phone: 650-704-8047
Class Website: https://canadacollege.edu/canvas/
MART 376 Digital Imaging is an introductory course in understanding digital image creation and manipulation and is designed for those interested in gaining or increasing their skills in Adobe Photoshop. It is designed to increase your understanding of digital image use and manipulation as well as storage, maintenance and output. Technical skills are paramount and by the end of the class, you will be able to assess the optimal means of improving a digital image as well as making those improvements in a timely manner.
This class is useful for both PC and Mac users. The first portion of the class is an introduction to the tools available in Photoshop for digital image manipulation, and the last part of the semester will be focused on creating a body of work which demonstrates each of the skills learned throughout the course. This class will consist of lectures as well as hands-on practice in addition to individual work to sharpen the familiarity with the tools available in Photoshop and skill in using them. Periodic written quizzes will reinforce the knowledge base of the tools we will be using.
This syllabus is subject to change during the semester at the instructor’s discretion.
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, a student will meet the following outcomes:
1. Correct resolution for a scan or existing digital image to match output to the monitor
2.Compare and contrast the basic properties of RGB, CMYK and WEB color spaces
3. Demonstrate effective use of layers by placing different objects into a single scene
Photoshop basics practice (2 hours)
Working with layers (2 hours)
Working with selections (2 hours)
Photo repair/restoration (2 hours)
Masking (2 hours)
Clipping masks (2 hours)
Five of a Kind (2 hours)
Custom chimera (2 hours)
Typographic design (2 hours)
Double exposure image (2 hours)
Double exposure cinemagraph (2 hours)
Animated clip in Photoshop (4 hours)
2.5D parallax animation (2 hours) Final poster assignment (4 hours)
Grading policies: Assignments, Quizzes, Participation and Projects have a set point value, which then gets added at the end of the term and a percentage is calculated.
93-100=A | 90-92=A- | 87-89=B+ | 83-86=B | 80-82=B- | 77-79=C+ | 70-76=C | 60-69=D | Below 60=F
If you do not show up for the Final Exam or do not turn in the Midterm or Final Project, you WILL fail the class!
Assignments (at home and in class): 30%
Midterm Project: 20%
Final Project: 30%
Quizzes/homework: 5%
Class Participation: 15%
You should bring to EVERY class meeting:
A USB drive with space on it
Your G-number
If you have too many absences, it will definitely reflect on your grade. This class is heavily graded on participation and critiques, which can’t be made up when you’re absent. Any material you miss because of an absence is your responsibility, as well as the assignments given for that day. There is no extension of deadlines, even if you are absent. Exchange contact information with another student in the class so you have a contact in case you miss a class – I do not do private lectures. It’s ABSOLUTELY REQUIRED that you attend the final to pass the course.
Backing up data:
BACK UP YOUR WORK! One more time: BACK UP YOUR WORK! Do iterative saves, and make sure you copy your latest versions onto your USB drive. Lost or corrupted files will not be an acceptable excuse for missing a deadline. Back up your data in MORE THAN ONE PLACE, meaning on a hard drive you leave at home or on two USB drives in SEPARATE LOCATIONS, on your home computer + USB drive, or on a USB drive and a cloud service (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc).
Important Dates:
August 16: Day & Evening Classes begin
August 30: Last day to ADD as well as last day to DROP a semester length course and be eligible for a partial refund
August 30: Last day to drop a semester length class
September 5: Last day to drop without a “W”, last day to declare P/NP grade option
November 15:Last day to withdraw from semester length course with a "W"
November 24-25: Thanksgiving Holiday (no classes)
December 7: Last day of instruction
December 11-17: Final Exams
Required Textbook:
Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book (ANY VERSION – please note this book is available free via the library) – I will be providing work files for any projects from the book.
ISBN-13: 9780321928078
Required Materials:
4GB+ USB to store your files
Digital storage and backup (backup, backup, BACKUP!)
Naming conventions for files and layers
Photoshop basics: toolbox features, color, swatches, masks, styles, navigator, info, layers, channels, paths, history, actions, character, paragraph, selection tools
Use of layers both for composite imaging and image manipulation
Understanding resolution, pixels and optimal image size for working images and for output to various media
Importing images for manipulation from photographs, slides, digital cameras, etc.
Basic principles of design, layout and composition in digital imagery
Color and contrast assessment, balance and adjustment using curves, levels, color replacement, colorizing, tinting, restoring and adjustment
Vector art vs. rasterized art
Understanding typography using text, fonts, paragraphs and adding effects and manipulating text
Compositing images with text and with each other
Assessing and utilizing image correction techniques
We will start with a very basic overview of the wide variety of Photoshop tools and then concentrate on the ones most used and most useful in production art. During class we will be touching on the basics, but it is strongly encouraged to explore further on your own. Learning every single aspect of Photoshop is an ongoing experience, but all artists find themselves drawn to certain aspects more than others. As an introductory class, you should learn the basics and establish a basis for further exploration in the areas that most inspire YOU.
Basic computer and keyboarding skills, your my.smccd.edu e-mail account, access to the internet, and basic browsing experience is required. You will need access to a computer with Adobe Photoshop (versions CS6+ are acceptable).
I strongly encourage you to invest in a semester-length license for Photoshop through CollegeBuys.org. MAKE SURE you use your my.smccd.edu email address when licensing the software. The link is in the first Canvas module, as well as below:
There will also access to computers in the Digital Art & Animation labs and the Learning Center remotely, but usage is strictly first come, first served. If you want to guarantee you’ll be able to work on your assignments on your schedule, the Adobe semester license is your best bet.
I will e-mail you any announcements that occur outside of class.
1. Access to Adobe Photoshop CC (or reasonably recent) software
2. Access to internet with your my.smccd.edu email account
3. Storage media (USB Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.)
There may be periodic quizzes during this class. The content will be Photoshop tools and technique, and will cover material discussed in class.
Each assignment is worth a total of 100 points and is graded on the following criteria: appropriateness, technical execution, creativity, and presentation. Copyrighted images can only be used with instructor approval. As all files will be turned in at the end of the semester, you should archive all of your assignments and projects in this class. Images need to be resized appropriately for web display. Assignments are considered turned in on time only if submitted to Web Access by assignment due date. Lost data is not an acceptable excuse for an assignment being late, so remember to always back up your work in more than one location.
Critiques are an important part of the artistic process. We will critique all major assignments as a class. Critiques will focus on both technical proficiency and creativity/artistic expression. Students are encouraged to be candid and supportive. Negative or insulting commentary is unacceptable, and will not be tolerated. Never criticize without offering an alternative or recommendation for the betterment of the work.
• Critiques are opportunities for learning to be articulate about images.
• Critiques present opportunities to increase observational, interpretive, and judgmental abilities.
• Critiques can offer artists alternate ways to think about their images.
• Critiques require participation: Speak thoughtfully and listen actively.
• Describing what you see is a vital part of the critical process.
• Effectively communicating your insights is preferable to impressing with your intelligence.
• Judgments without reasons are irresponsible.
• Preferences are personal and indisputable; judgments need to be defended.
• Critiques need not be judgmental.
• Being critical and being kind are not mutually exclusive activities. Barrett, Terry. Criticizing Photographs: An Introduction to Understanding Images, 4th ed., Boston: McGraw Hill, 2006
The final project will be a culmination of your work in Photoshop throughout the class. It will involve many of the principles and practices we learned during the semester.
The final project is graded on the following criteria: treatment of subject matter, technical execution, creativity, and presentation.
Extra credit assignments are at the discretion of the instructor, and are not guaranteed at any point in the semester. The best way to insure the best possible grade is to do your best work on all the course assignments and turn them in on time. Extra credit, if available, will never replace a grade on a missed assignment.
Deadlines occur at dates and times specified in the Course Calendar. I will not (and in fact, cannot) accept work past the deadlines, so don't even ask, as it will appear as though you didn't read this first! Plan to do your work well before the deadline so that if you have a problem with your computer or a network failure, you can find an alternative and still get your work done on time.
Regular attendance is vital to your success in the class. If you miss too many classes, you can and will be dropped. If you decide to drop this course, you are required to officially withdraw through the Cañada College Admissions and Registration Office.
Sometimes student works will be used by Cañada College for educational purposes and to promote the program or college or in galleries or shows or other forums. It is important to always include your name in your file so proper attribution can be given. Unnamed or improperly named files may be attributed to ‘Anonymous’. To ‘opt out’, submit a request in writing at the end of the semester.
If you are receiving Equal Opportunity Program financial aid and need a progress report, please send me a message in Private Messages.
If you have a learning disability or physical challenge, you are entitled to any assistance you need to achieve your academic goals. Mart 362 is very student-centered and flexible within the structured weekly format. It is an appropriate course for students with learning disabilities, although students are required to manage their time efficiently within the weekly deadline format. Most students with disabilities are successful without special accommodation. But Cañada College has an on-campus lab with talking computers, print enlargers, tactile maps of the campus, and other alternate learning options. If you or anyone you know would benefit from such a service, please call the Disabled Student Services Office (650)306-3259 or the TDD line (650)306-3161.
Please note that you must identify yourself as a learning disabled or physically challenged student at the beginning of the semester in order for me to get you the help you need.
All students are expected to know and adhere to the Cañada College Academic Honor Code. Students who violate this code will be subject to the academic and administrative consequences set forth by the code. In short, don’t submit work that is not your own or use copyrighted work without permission. If you aren’t sure, ask.
All students are expected to know and adhere to the Cañada College Student Conduct, Discipline & Due Process Code. Students who violate this policy will be immediately excused from class until meeting with the Dean of Students, who will explain Canada's student code of conduct.
The San Mateo County Community College District is committed to maintaining safe and caring college environments at Cañada College, College of San Mateo and Skyline College. The District has established policies and procedures regarding Sexual Misconduct, Harassment, and Assault. A District website has also been developed which provides you with important information about sexual misconduct and sexual assault. http://smccd.edu/titleix/.
I have read and accept the terms of this syllabus
Signed: ___________________________________________
Date: ______________________